Author Archives: lbmadmin

Focusing on children immunity

Focusing on children immunity is a must during pandemic. Get the right immune booster today before they back to school.

Probiotics strain-specific formulation with the right bioactive for immune boosting and fast recovery. Lang Bragman Infaferrin is a powerful combination of Japanese probiotic M-16V and French Iron-binding protein Lactoferrin to equip our children to defend against viruses and bacteria and fast recovery from sick.

✔ Ideal and Safe for children.
✔ Scientific research backed.
✔ Extensive lab works and clinical trials.
✔ GMP and MAL approved.

Talk to our partner pharmacist today to find out more. #CaringPharmacy #immunebooster #probiotic #Lactoferrin #langbragman #yourprobioticfoundhere

Why two is better than one

No doubt TWO is better than ONE; THREE is just even better! We just want our loved ones to have the better kind of Vitamin C (Confident) everyday no matter where they are.

  • Vitamin C is a very effective immune Booster;
  • Probiotic and prebiotic are probably the safest first line Immune defense & protection.

✔ Special formulated Vitamin C for children
✔ Tolerate-C for those with sensitive stomach
✔ Lower risk of hyperacidity

Visit our exclusive partner pharmacies today to find out more info.

#CaringPharmacy #GeorgetownPharmacy #wellingspharmacy #probioticwithvitaminC #langbragman #yourprobioticfoundhere

Ref: I Garaiova et al., Probiotics and vitamin C for the prevention of respiratory tract infections in children attending preschool: a randomised controlled pilot study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2015 Mar;69(3):373-9. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2014.174. Available online:

Experience the difference

Going to work knowing that it is gonna be an awesome day! Feeling healthy with a Good Hunch is not a luxury – it’s an absolute necessity.

Experience the difference with LBGG, probiotic supplement which contains one of the most studies probiotic strain L.Rhamnosus GG ATCC53103.

Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

#probiotic #LBGG #langbragman #CaringPharmacy #GeorgetownPharmacy #WellingsPharmacy

Protect Your Family

Family is the reason to love, to give, to protect and to fight for.

Having backed by clinical-based evidence, allow us to introduce “The Probiotic Supplement Protection Pack!” – LBGG and Probiotic with Vitamin C. It gives necessary protection and prevention to the whole family!

✔Clinical-relevant dosage
✔Allow flexible dosing
✔Free from refined sugar, artificial sweetener and colorings.

#protecturfamily #probiotic #yourprobioticfoundhere #langbragman #CaringPharmacy #GeorgetownPharmacy #WellingsPharmacy

Calling all ladies

We know it can be hard being a woman sometimes, and we got you covered FEMICLEAR is specially formulated probiotic supplement with well-researched probiotic strains clinically proven to better your health
Say no to itching or strong odour and yes to FEMICLEAR
Do visit our Caring pharmacy link as below!

For more information please visit our website at

#womenshealth #langbragman #probiotic #health #healthylifestyle

Children are our future

Ensuring their future is bright, is ensuring ours will be as well, INFAPRO is a gluten free organic plant based milk formula specially formulated for growing children 12 months and above packed with nutrients that ensure your child grows up to be stronger and smarter
✓High FIber with Pre & Probiotic
✓Vegetarian Friendly
✓High Protein
✓Easy to Digest

Do visit our Caring pharmacy link as below!
For more information please visit our website at

#langbragman #health #healthylifestyle #children #betterdigestion #familyhealth

Probiotic has been known for immunity boosting

Probiotic has been known for immunity boosting. Did you know you can find bifodobacterium in Infaferrin, Infabac, Comforto, Eczeclear, LBGG, Pylomax and Lacfido?Find us at CARiNG Pharmacy and speak to the pharmacist. They would surely know.

多年来,益生菌享有科学证明在改善免疫系统方面的效益功能。而在我们产品系列里,您可以在Infaferrin, Infabac, Comforto, Eczeclear, LBGG, Lacfido和Pylomax 获取双歧杆菌。 您可亲临附近的康宁西药行咨询专业的药剂师了解更多的产品详情。

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